It is a fact of life that we all have a certain fear. It can be related to the unknown, a perception or induced by circumstances, such as a fear of flying. We know that crashes involving aircraft are relatively infrequent. However, they generally receive wide and dramatic publicity.

Combined with the media reporting and graphic images of the crash results, it is understandable that some of us carry these influences with us. And they surface when we are going to book a flight!

The Flying Fear Factor

It is a fear of extremes that can even be generated by the mere thought of boarding an aircraft. If you experience this condition, it is likely that you have been subjected to the usual “logic” associated with it. For example:

  • Expert opinions
  • Statistics showing your fear of flying is not rational
  • That you have a greater chance of dying in a car crash than one involving an aircraft

Mind Games and Stats

Fear and/or phobias can for one reason or another are inherent within us. It happens despite your acceptance of proven safety statistics from airline associations, such as IATA, and that it’s safer to fly than drive.

However, when it comes to your reality, despite over 3.5 billion with only 68-accidents, it does not assuage your personal concerns. This raises the question of whether there is a cure for your fear associated with flying on an aircraft!

Treatment for Your Fear of Flying

Unfortunately, there is no particular secret to overcoming your fear of flying. Naturally, there is a variety of personal strategies, such as;

  • Controlled breathing exercises
  • Distraction with headphones
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages
  • Anti-anxiety medication
  • Repeating a dedicated mantra

Returning to the aspect of controlled exposure, further, the development includes the utilization of Virtual Reality. It is a source that could help flying fear sufferers become familiar with and learn to accept a flight environment thus preventing this panic surge onboard.

It enables you to experience the various aspects of an in-flight situation whilst remaining securely on the ground.

Aircraft Still Safest Way to Travel!

Another perspective revolves around convincing your inner-self that flying in an aircraft is the safest way to travel! As with any other aspect of apprehension, danger or the unknown, better we know the greater is our acceptance. In other words, the more you fly, the less painful is the flying!

How Does Flying Work?

Knowing about preparation before the flight and its performance capabilities induce an element of control and confidence. Whether you have limited flying experience, or suffer from the after-effects of a negative association. Add to this the support provided by:

  • Highly-qualified crew members
  • Maintenance structures
  • Air traffic control personnel
  • Air turbulence situations

Major Reasons of Your Fear of Flying

Whilst there are many and varied reasons put forward regarding the fear of flying there is not a particular one. You may have a fear of flying due:

  • To your having never flown before
  • In relation to an actual flight
  • Learning about a plane crash
  • The anxiety created by being in an enclosed space

Different Fear-Related Categories

Various reports indicate that a sudden fear of flying can arise, which can be attributed to anxieties arising from other external sources. For example, a fear of not being informed of the in-flight emergency.

Another aspect is a fear of enclosed or confined spaces. It can be a fear factor that is initiated by an influence that is not directly related to the field of aviation. For example, work or family-related stress!

Confronting Our Fears

When we consider the different modes of travel we experience throughout our lives, and whether planes or trains are safer, it is a question of familiarity. From our first experience of boarding a bus or a train, there was that initial anxious anticipation.

With continued exposure, we accepted these environments as a normal part of our lives. Similarly, we can further our knowledge and experience the various aspects of flying, with the help of a qualified professional therapist.

If your fear is generated by safety concerns and the security procedures at airports, then this is an issue that is part of our everyday lives and our actual reality!